Podcast - Terrier Talk
Hear me talk at 1:03 in "Back to School Blues" and 4:36 in "Let's talk about the Oscars..." Participating Terrier Talk along with my fellow staff members has been a great experience for a number of reasons. First, any opportunity to talk about my love for "Little Women" is a great one and second, I never would have done something like this even two years ago. Journalism gave me a space to find my voice. Being the editor of the Red & Black has given me the confidence to unapologetically use it. I used to hide from new people. I used to never raise my hand in class. As far as I was concerned, any potential for anyone looking at or hearing me was the end of days. I'm glad I don't feel that way anymore. The change of heart has everything to do with journalism. Now, I jump at opportunities like Terrier Talk.
Video - Prom 2019
Video is not my strong suite. But I started trying my hand at last year. Although I can certainly improve, I was excited to branch out beyond writing for and designing newspapers. I'm looking forward to learning more about this and pursuing more multimedia opportunities in the future.
Note: Contacted the state director of contests with concerns over background music copyright and it was cleared.
Broadcast intro script - coronavirus coverage

Since everyone in my journalism program is now working remotely to cover COVID-19, we are trying to incorporate different forms of media that will keep our readers engaged during our extensive coverage. This is part of that effort. We asked students what they had questions about regarding this pandemic and overwhelmingly they told us they wanted to know what kind of response they should be having. So, after this ver issue was addressed in a press conference by the Florida governor, this became the obvious way to inform our audience.