Rebranding HHSToday's Instagram

This year, I decided to take charge of our program's Instagram. Previously, social media was an afterthought. But I decided that because our readers were online, we needed to be too. I redesigned the HHSToday logo for all of social media sites. Then, I committed to coordinating one quality Instagram post per day. I make an Instagram budget for each month that includes themes of the posts. I send reminders to the staffer responsible for each day including detailed instructions and requirements for each type of post. On the left, there is an example of a post from last year and on the right, there is an example of an Instagram post from this year. Not only has the quality of our feed improved since I rebranded our social media, but following and interaction with our publications has increased. Every time we publish an issue of the paper, I post teasers on our social media. As a result, more students are reading with what we publish AND interacting with it through social media.
View our Instagram feed here.
Expanding our audience

I realized that Seminole Heights had no local newspaper. This year, the Red & Black expanded beyond just Hillsborough High School. I made an effort to cover more issues important to the community because in the absence of a local paper, we are the source of news for our neighborhood. Our coverage hasn't of the Heights hasn't just expanded in the newspaper, it's expanded on social media, too. We post Seminole Heights-centric Instagram posts. We report on local businesses and gentrification in our neighborhood. And now, you can find a copy of the Red & Black in Seminole Heights local businesses, and they're so popular that I need to replace the stacks. Our neighborhood lacked a source of news, so I made sure that the Red & Black would fill that need.